Name Spot of the Week

I love my of the Week posts, but my current ones don’t give me breadth to talk about the names I stumble across on real people during the week. Will this become a regular feature? Goodness knows, but right now, I want to share with you a recent name spot, fraternal female triplets:




They feature in the BBC’s Child of our Time series, where children born in 2000 are followed until they’re 20 (?) to answer the big question: Nature or Nurture? As such, four sets of multiples are involved. The one above, identical scottish lad twins: Ivo and Alex, boy-girl twins Alexander and Charlotte (Alexander was stillborn), and another set of triplets: Helena, Barry and Mollie, of the latter, only Helena survived birth.

Categories: Name Spot of the Wek | 7 Comments

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7 thoughts on “Name Spot of the Week

  1. Sassika



  2. Betsy

    I can’t stop thinking about Mabel at the moment, she so out she’s in, well, in my top girls list anyway.


  3. HelterSkelter

    Ivo and Alex is an inspired sibset. Mabel and co. have three older siblings, I pity the parents!


  4. HelterSkelter

    This show is worth watching for the names. Isn’t there a Rhodri in the mix somewhere?


    • Horacia

      Yes! He’s Megan’s dad! They’re welsh, I believe, the ones who live on the farm.


  5. Pingback: Mollycoddled Mabel « Mer de Noms

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